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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Crime on Thurber

One of the things that I like about James Thurber is his style. He was prolific in fiction and non fiction. But the style in which he writes is so incredible (not credible) for either that it’s never apparent which is which (not knowing much of the specific time about which he was writing). But truth is so seldom about facts as it is about figures. More about artifacts than provenance. His writing is grounded enough both in reality and farce.

It probably doesn’t matter anyway. The next post down is me copying that style. Right down to plausible details that will make you wonder. Don’t worry. We’ll get back to the topic of scatology next time

Mr. Monroe Stood fingering some canes in a shop in the Fifties. Canes, it had occured to him, were imperturbable. He liked that adjective, which he had been encountering in a book he was reading on God, ethics, humanism and so on. The word stood staunch, like a bulwark, rumbled like a caisson. Mr. Monroe was pleased to find himself dealing in similies." from the imperturbable Spirit


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