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Thursday, August 03, 2006


Politics is lame. But something bugged me about a recent add. So I wrote a letter. People are stupid.
This is good for democrats though, which may or may not be good for the state, because no matter who wins in the primaries the winner will already be tainted, and by his/her own party!! Unbelievable.
I checked netflix for the movies in question. Red Shoe Diaries is a series that is not out yet, so I reserved the first one "Girl on a bike" (I like the title!). I'll make my own judgements and post a review.



Blogger John Korfmacher said...

How very 'Nevada' to get uptight about a candidate's alleged involvement in pornos. Christ, like there isn't enough sleaze in NV politics to go around, and ya gotta make something up!

The annual freakshow that is CO politics is getting going here. Less than 24 hours after the primaries closed, candidates have made pictorial references to Tweedledum, Tweedledee, and the Bobbsey Twins when characterizing their opponents. Really! That's got to set an all-time record for shortest elapsed time to mudslinging.

Included on the ballot here are referenda variously defining marriage as a) one man and one woman; b) anyone who want to get married; and c) heteros only need apply, but same-sex couples can receive some kind of legal recognition that isn't allowed to be termed 'marriage'. Hopefully all three will pass and we can all have a good laugh.

About the only thing I'm looking forward to this time around is the likely defeat of Marilyn 'Glamor Shots' Musgrave, who represents our fair district. Or maybe I should describe her as Marilyn 'It's OK to be a sycophant...uh, what's a sycophant?' Musgrave. I'm not sure if she's the dumbest politician I've ever seen (former Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton would probably take that honor) but she's right down there.

3:26 PM


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