My other blog is a blog

Monday, March 27, 2006

Personalize The Phallus

It has come to my attention that maintaining a blog is just one in a long list of things that can potentially make a person a dork. That got me thinking about the word Dork. It sounds like a word that Dr. Seuss made up in one of his psychedelic children’s books, like Geek and Nerd.

While Nerd does come from the Seuss Story, If I Ran the Zoo, Geek dates way the hell back to Shakespeare. Dork is actually homophone of another word used to compare an unpleasant person to a phallus. There is some debate over whether a dork is the dick of a whale, so that if someone is being a ‘tard he’s a Dick, but if he crosses some line and acts like a 300 pound salty sea-pole he is a Dork.

The point is that you can call someone a dick by calling them a dork and they’ll be ok with it because they don’t know, and sometimes people are even proud of being a dork. I saw this fool at In-N-Out today wearing a T-Shirt that said, "I’m With Stupid.," The arrow pointed down…


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